MOSCAD    •    Application possibilities    •    Technical documentation

Electricity Distribution
Water supply and waste water draining applications
Oil and gas industry
Siren control systems
Communication network fault management
Fire station alerting
Transmission of images


MOSCAD RTU are capable to collect data from weather sensors (wind  direction and speed , temperature, humidity etc.) and transmit remotly to collecting center.

  Electricity Distribution

Midpower electrical network computer control enables distributors to have more reliable power supply, at the same time decreasing of operative and maintenance expenses.

Sector unit switches, the devices for automatically plunge in and condenser blocks connected to the midpower electrical network are installed on the systems without remote controlling. The application of MOSCAD RTUs gives a simple solution which integrates and enhances effective equipment usage and automate subcenters.

In some scenarios, the MOSCAD powers up AC analyzer so service quality can get more advanced. In that case, the measurements are accomplished by direct connecting to a various electrical midpower sensors. Based on this measurements, the RTU computes key parameters such as voltage and current level, load balance, electric power consumption, harmonic distortions and power factor.

  Water supply and waste water draining applications

The goals laid before all companies which are dealing with water, regardless is it water supply or waste water draining, basically are all the same - to minimize the costs of maintenance, fast and effective malfunction detection and repair, to lower the cost of power consumption, to minimize investments due to system growth and other losses. Motorola MOSCAD offers achievement in all of these goals enlisted here. MOSCAD RTUs are capable of monitoring water flow thru pipelines making pressure control more effective, minimizing unnecessary consumption and helping in energy and water losses.

Water level tanks are also monitored so the pumps are regulated in most effective and rational manner. MOSCAD RTUs gather data in real time and provide reliable supply and stabile pressure which in another case, would require more of pumps, tanks and pressure control equipment.

  Oil and gas industry

Oil and gas operation is characterized by production wellheads, long pipelines and valves located at difficult-to-access sites. MOSCAD RTUs calculate the gas flow according to AGA-3 (American Gas Association), AGA-7, AGA-8 and other standards, monitor the operation of pressure reduction equipment and Cathodic Protection rectifiers and more.

This industry must maintain the strictest safety measures to prevent leakages, fires and explosions in installations where oil and/or gas present. Thus each site must be constantly supervised from one or more control centers.

Intrinsically safe connections to MOSCAD from field sensors in restricted zones may be obtained by adding barrier devices, registered for use in these industries.

  Siren control systems

Electronic sirens serve as public warning in cases of severe weather, pollution, radiation alert and other dangers. Thus, siren control operators require a reliable method of control and up-to-date information on the condition of their warning system.

MOSCAD RTUs can provide the needed reliable communication between the sirens and the siren control center. MOSCAD RTUs are capable of selecting combinations of tones and pre-record voice messages to expand the usage options of the system.

The use of one or more PCs connected in a network combined with MOSCAD RTUs, offer advanced functions such as activation of sirens in selected groups, backup communications, silent test and download of recorded public warning messages.

  Communication network fault management

MOSCAD based Network Fault Management systems enhance the reliability of remote communication installations and help reduce the downtime in case of a fault. Network Fault Management systems are employed to monitor conventional and trunked radio base stations, analog and digital cellular systems, microwave radio and wire line communication systems.

In the Network Fault Management application, MOSCAD is programmed to monitor the remote sites thereby allowing your operator to receive quick, meaningful alerts about unusual operation of communications equipment, power generators, air-conditioning, station battery and fire and security sensors.

  Fire station alerting

The dispatch of the fire trucks and ambulances from the many fire stations in a city is an important requirement of all fire departments. This must be done quickly to reduce fire loss and maximize the responsiveness to the community.

MOSCAD provides an excellent solution to this need. A single message from the dispatch center is received in all fire stations, the intelligence within the MOSCAD determines which station will respond to the message. In the fire stations MOSCAD can automatically turn on lights in selected areas, connect the voice dispatch message to the building public address system, open the doors in front of the needed fire vehicles, send a message to dispatch when the apparatus has been left the station, activate the in-building intrusion alarm system and turn off the appliances.

Computer(s) at dispatch center will permit the easy selection of the fire station(s) and items of equipment with each station. These same computers may also provide the Motorola voice dispatch capability. MOSCAD also supports a Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) interface with text messaging to printers in the fire stations, and may provide redundant two-way radio communications.

  Transmission of images

Motorola RIX (Radio Image Transfer System) provides an innovative means for visual confirmation of events detected at remote sites. It includes single or multiple cameras which are interfaced to the MOSCAD RTUs via the Motorola VRU (Video Remote Unit). It captures the picture upon a polling command or an instant event, performs data compression and prepares the image for transmission via the MOSCAD network.

MOSCAD handles the transmission of images on the same communication link already used for SCADA system and voice communication. The RIX-MOSCAD system is suitable for visual monitoring of electric installations, detection of fire, early indication of flooding and security violation. A unique benefit of the integrated RIX-MOSCAD system is that operations of SCADA control centers will no longer rely only on the information initiated by a simple sensor at the remote site. They can reconfirm the alarm via still images captured at the moment the event occurred.